For you as a seller, the ERA Comfort Guarantee is the perfect way to make your property more attractive. Moreover, you don't have to expect any unexpected costs. What are you waiting for?
The best real estate agent: professional and excellent service. Look no further. ERA is the place to be.
As a seller, you can count on a smooth sale, because your house becomes a lot more attractive. Buyers who are interested in your property will not hesitate for long with the benefit of the ERA Comfort Guarantee, and a comparable property. In addition, you won’t have to cope with any unexpected costs between the signing of the sale agreement (provisional agreement) and the deed.
As a buyer, you benefit from an exceptional advantage. For the first year, you will not have any unexpected costs if a fixed mechanical installation lets you down. That gives you the breathing space you need to save for conversions, alterations or the furnishing of your new home.
The guarantee of the basic coverage applies to defects caused by an error in the design, construction, or material of the installations and devices present in the insured property, affecting their normal operation.
Only damage to devices and installations in the private part of a private home and adjacent buildings is covered; damage to common areas of an apartment building is not covered. The guarantee applies to defects that occur during the validity period of the ERA Comfort Guarantee. Existing defects that the seller or owner concealed are not covered. For this, you should address him directly.
Your guarantee: we will send a craftsman as soon as possible to repair the existing installations in the house so that they function normally again.
The ERA Comfort Guarantee covers both travel expenses, working hours, and spare parts but does not cover possible damage that occurred as a result of this defect.
For example, the costs of repairing a leak in the water pipe are covered, but the costs of repairing water damage to ceilings, walls, and wallpaper are not covered. In most cases, you can contact your home insurance for this. A complete list of exclusions can be found in Article 7 of the general terms and conditions of the ERA Comfort Guarantee certificate.
No, only those devices and installations included in Article 5 of the general terms and conditions of your ERA Comfort Guarantee certificate under 'Guaranteed Performances' are covered.
If the central heating and hot water installation operates on gas, oil, or electricity, its operation is guaranteed. This also applies to the connected devices. Provided that the central and individual heating installation was properly maintained according to the legal standards of the region in which the house is located.
In the absence of central heating, the individually attached electric convector heaters on the floor or wall are covered if they are the only source of heat. Wood-burning, pellet, and coal stoves, fireplaces, and all non-visible pipes to and from the radiators are not covered.
Yes, if the garage is built into or attached to the house. Installations in detached buildings are not covered.
Absolutely. Sanitary facilities on or at sinks, toilets, bidets, baths, and showers, such as visible inlet and outlet pipes and connected taps, are covered. The sink itself, the bath, bidet, and toilet are not mechanical devices and are therefore not covered by the warranty.
Fixed electrical installations are guaranteed. This also applies to the doorbell, switches, sockets, fuse panels, and general wiring. But not for garage door openers, intercom systems, burglary, fire, and smoke alarms.
Yes, we cover filters, air pump, and heating of your jacuzzi. For a swimming pool, you are covered for filters, heating, motor, cylinder head, relay, compressor, check valve, and non-buried piping to and from the pool. A water softener and drinking water pump are also covered, limited to one device.
The duration of the ERA Comfort Guarantee is always 16 months from the date of the purchase agreement (compromise) or from the date of fulfillment of the suspensive conditions. If the purchase agreement became final on February 15, the house is covered for 16 months from then on. In this example, the buyer has a warranty for 12.5 months (from the deed date), and the seller has 3.5 months.
The ERA Comfort Guarantee only applies to (parts of) homes or apartments intended for permanent private occupancy. Installations and devices in the commercial section are not protected. For example, if the heating system is located in a warehouse, it is not covered by the warranty.
Yes, provided that your tenant has his permanent residence there and has signed a long-term lease agreement with you. This means that the end date of the lease contract is later than the end date of the ERA Comfort Guarantee.
You simply call the number 03 369 69 26 of ERA Comfort Guarantee Assistance. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Based on your address, they can confirm that you are entitled to repair under the ERA Comfort Guarantee. They will then send a craftsman as soon as possible. Call as soon as you can, and in any case within ten working days after the breakdown is detected.
No need. ERA Comfort Guarantee Assistance has a national network of appointed craftsmen who also ensure smooth and accurate communication. You always have the right to refuse the service provider appointed by ERA Comfort Guarantee Assistance for a valid reason. In that case, we will propose other service providers in your area.
You pay the invoice directly to the repairman. Then you send it, together with your payment proof, by email to eracomfortgarantie@era.be. The reimbursement is made directly to your account.
The basic coverage of the ERA Comfort Guarantee covers travel expenses, working hours, and spare parts. For installations and devices younger than 25 years, the intervention in spare parts is a maximum of 1,500 euros. For installations and devices from 25 to 35 years, it is a maximum of 500 euros. Installations and devices older than 35 years are excluded. The total intervention per damage file (travel expenses, working hours, and spare parts) is a maximum of 7,500 euros.
At ERA, we understand that the search for the perfect home or a smart investment is a significant step in your life. That's why we are here for you with an extensive selection. Discover the professional guidance you can expect from us.