Op stap met ERA marketingtools
Op stap met ERA marketingtools

Boost your sales with our marketing approach

Do you want to shout from the rooftops that you have an amazing property for sale, but don’t know whether you are reaching the correct target group? With your ERA estate agent as your partner, your message gets through to the hearts and minds of the right people.

ERA stands out by using unique marketing tools that draw attention to your property in the most effective way. Not only do we prepare a carefully considered marketing plan, but we also create just the right blend of all the elements needed in a modern advertisement.

ERA brokers discussing as colleagues

With the right approach?Sold in no time.

The advertising for your property starts close to home: in our display window. Your property features in our offer, inspiring confidence in potential buyers. But that’s just the start.

Why choose ERA?

Our approach

Flat for sale

Your property stands out

Owners all over the world display their confidence in ERA. Over 100,000 ERA Sign Posts and V boards stand or hang in exactly the right place across the globe. Discover the four foundations that pave the way for the smooth sale of your property.

Makelaar toont de ERA Luxebrochure

Worthy of your property

An ERA Luxury Brochure is a high-quality folder containing full details of your property. It includes photos, plans, a description, the location and technical details. Potential buyers are given a brochure after the visit so that they can carry on daydreaming.

ERA Magic in de brievenbus steken

We spread the magic of your property

Neighbours often do the best word-of-mouth advertising. If they like living in your neighbourhood, they are probably only too pleased to tell their friends, family and colleagues looking for a property. Or perhaps they want to move there themselves? Thanks to the ERA Magic, your property is well known in the area and we’ll have found the right buyer in no time.

Moderne zwarte keuken

Make-up or facelift, it’s charming

Everyone has their own ideas about what makes an attractive, comfortable home. However much love you have put into furnishing your home, potential buyers often think differently. With the help of the ERA Sales Guide you get valuable tips, free of charge, to make your property more attractive.

Twee personen bekijken de ERA Koperwachtzaal op een tablet.

See how many people are on the lookout for your property

Using an interactive tool on the ERA website, potential buyers can define what conditions their future dream home has to meet. This is how we build up the ERA Buyers' Waiting Room, a comprehensive file of potential buyers who are informed immediately and automatically when a new, suitable property comes onto the market. Are you curious about how many potential buyers in our virtual waiting room are watching out for a property like yours?

Twee personen bekijken een pand op de ERA website.

Count on maximum visibility

We use a wide range of both off- and online channels to shine the spotlight on your property as much as possible. For example, your home is given its own landing page on ERA.BE, Belgium’s biggest estate agents’ website with over 1,000,000 visits per month!

Iemand scrollt op social media

ERA on social media

Social media have long been an essential part of daily life and ERA is no exception. Did you know that over 9.5 million Belgians are active on social media? That’s 82% of the total population. We keep our followers up to date by regularly posting messages and stories.

Een vrouw bekijkt haar sociale media en bekijkt een post van ERA.


At ERA, we know that standing still means going backwards. So we focus on digital marketing. To maximise visibility of your property, we advertise on social media, Google and even YouTube. Our focus on SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and SEA (Search Engine Advertising) means that your property will not go unnoticed.

Een fotograaf neemt professionele foto's van een pand.

A picture is worth a thousand words

The quest for a new home starts primarily online these days. Potential buyers often make a quick initial selection on the basis of photos. If they are not good enough, people don’t look further to examine the details and never get as far as an appointment. So bringing in a professional photographer is not an unnecessary luxury.

Videobeelden pand worden opgenomen

ERA Virtual Tour

And ERA goes a step further. Thanks to the ERA Virtual Tour on ERA.BE, as a seller you will only receive visitors who are genuinely interested in your property. They arrive well prepared and that saves you a lot of time and effort.

Eettafel in gezellige woonkamer

Real estate styling & 3D furnishing

The range on offer on the real estate market is wide, so there is a lot of choice. Potential buyers look not only at the condition of the property, but also, more and more often, at its attractiveness. If you want to get a good price for your home, real estate styling or 3D furnishing is definitely a good idea.

Twee ERA makelaars hangen ERA Open Huizen Dag pijlen op.

ERA Open Houses Day

On four Saturdays, potential buyers can visit over 1,200 properties without an appointment. As a seller, you can welcome a number of interested parties in a single day. With a strong likelihood of success: we find a buyer for one in three participating homes thanks to the ERA Open Houses Day.

ERA Comfort Garantie

ERA Comfort Guarantee

Buying or selling a house or an apartment is one of the most important decisions of your life. That’s why the free basic cover provided by this unique guarantee gives an assurance that the fixed mechanical installations in the property work as they should. If an installation breaks down, we provide a reliable professional to repair it as quickly as possible.

Een meisje springt uit een ERA verhuisdoos.

ERA Moving Checklist

Moving house soon fills not only your diary, but your mind as well. This causes stress that you can do without, just like the junk in your attic. Luckily, your ERA estate agent will give you an ERA Moving Checklist: a checklist that clears your head. That way, you can enjoy your new home quickly.

ERA Moving Van

Moving service

The start of your new story can be daunting. Among other things, you have to tidy up, pack and send out change of address notices. So we at ERA are happy to help you on your way. To make moving a little easier, you can use our free ERA Moving Boxes. Many ERA estate agents also have an ERA Moving Van which you can use free of charge as a buyer, seller or landlord.

The marketing efforts of ERA not only resulted in more viewers but also attracted high-quality buyers who were genuinely interested in my property. This ensured a smooth sales process without unnecessary delays.


ERA vastgoedexperte Béa aan het werk met CEO Johan Krijgsman

With the right approach?Sold in no time.

The advertising for your property starts close to home: in our display window. Your property features in our offer, inspiring confidence in potential buyers. But that’s just the start.

View the participating properties.

On Saturday, March 15, we are opening the doors to more than 1,500 properties simultaneously. Want to be sure of your visit? Book your appointment online now. Your dream home? 

ERA Open House Day