Een koppel zit aan tafel met een ERA makelaar om te onderhandelen over de verkoopprijs.
Een koppel zit aan tafel met een ERA makelaar om te onderhandelen over de verkoopprijs.

how do I negotiate the selling price?

This is how to get the best price for your property

Have the guided tours gone well, and are the first prospective buyers interested in buying the property? That’s great! It's time to negotiate the selling price.

ERA makelaar met luxebrochure

negotiations with an ERA estate agent

If you work with an estate agent, listen carefully to the advice you receive about buyers submitting a bid. Estate agents know how to handle potential buyers. They also advise whether it’s a good idea to accept a bid or wait for a better offer (or a better buyer). Thanks to their experience, estate agents are also experts at the negotiating table and can obtain the best possible offer.

ERA makelaar geeft sleutel af aan nieuwe eigenaar

1. Is it a private sale?

Then determine the minimum selling price in advance. If there is too much difference of opinion between the prospective buyer and yourself, you don't need to invest additional time in this.

negotiating the selling price yourself

Een ERA makelaar telefoneert.

2. Are you under time pressure to sell your home?

Never let this show! Potential buyers will undoubtedly make a lower offer if they notice you are under pressure to sell quickly.

Verschillende potentiële kopers zitten aan tafel bij een ERA makelaar.

3. Are there any other interesed parties?

Then you can use this at the negotiating table. Just be careful not to put too much pressure on the buyer, as this can have the opposite effect.

Have you finally reached an amount that both parties are happy with? Then it's time to make the sale official.

Twee potentiële kopers kijken naar de etalage fiches van een ERA kantoor.

We sold andbought with ERA

Dit is een wit vlak met het ERA logo op.

Selling your property? So arranged.

Road map

Een koppel zit aan tafel met een ERA makelaar om te onderhandelen over de verkoopprijs.
Current step - step 9

How do I negotiate the selling price?

Have the guided tours gone well, and are the first prospective buyers interested in buying the property? That’s great! It's time to negotiate the selling price.

ERA estate agent with sold sign
Step 10

How do I make the sale of my home official?

The sale of your home is made official in two steps. First of all, a sale agreement must be drawn up and signed. This is followed by the notarial deed through the notary.

A couple read the Open Houses Day newspaper together.
Step 1

Buy first or sell first?

Will you be moving? First, decide whether you want to buy your new home before or after selling your current one. We briefly list the pros and cons.

Facade house with driveway
Step 2

When is the best time to sell my home?

Is there such a thing as “good” or “less good” time to accelerate the sale of your home? 

An ERA broker informs a couple about a property.
Step 3

Selling with or without an estate agent?

You can sell your home entirely on your own or let an estate agent take care of it for you.

Gezellig tafelen
Step 4

Get your home prepped

Before taking photos or welcoming potential buyers, it is important to prepare your home to make the best possible impression on future owners. In industry terms, this is called “home staging”.

Someone views the ERA Valuation on a tablet.
Step 5

How do I determine the value of my house?

How much is your house worth? The most important element in selling your home is, of course, the asking price. It's crucial to start with the correct price. After all, there are many risks when your pricing is not accurate.

ERA broker shows documents to customer
Step 6

What mandatory documents do I need?

If you sell your home through an estate agent, they will take most of the administrative hassle off your hands. If you are selling your house or flat yourself, you will need some documents to be able to sell your home. 

Een vrouw bekijkt haar sociale media en bekijkt een post van ERA.
Step 7

How can I advertise my property?

If you are selling your home, reaching as many potential buyers as possible on as many different channels as possible is crucial. The more people you reach, the more likely the final selling price will be higher and your property will sell faster.

Rondleiding bezichtiging woning
Step 8

How do I guide visitors around my property?

The time has come! Your advertising is paying off. It may sound a bit odd, seeing as you know your property, but practice the tour you will give potential buyers with a critical friend in advance. That way, you can prepare for more difficult questions.

Your property? Sold in no time.

On Saturday, March 15, we are opening the doors to more than 1,500 properties simultaneously. Want to be sure of your visit? Book your appointment online now. Your dream home? 

ERA Open House Day